Oro Valley United Church of Christ

Joyfully an Open and Affirming Congregation

Sunday Worship Service 10:00 AM

1401 E El Conquistador Way, Oro Valley, AZ 85704

Everyone, everyone, everyone is welcome to join us for in-persON worship

Lent: A Time of Reflection & Renewal

Everyone, Everyone, Everyone is Welcome to all Events!

Sunday Virtual Service

Virtual worship will be posted Sunday afternoons
You can watch worship online by clicking the link below or visiting our YouTube channel.

Watch Sunday Worship Service

view sunday bulletiN

Hybrid Bible Study - Currently on Break
Watch here for updates: Usually held Every Tuesday at 10am

You can join us for bible study in-person in the fellowship hall
Or you can join us with Google Meet using the link below

Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/caf-unsv-aqu

Meeting ID: 311 383 448

Passcode: 776435