"Into the Deep: Spiritual Conversation Circle for Lent"
“Into the Deep” Spiritual Conversation Circle for Lent
10:00-11:30 AM, Tuesdays, March 4-April 1 – in Fellowship Hall
A spiritual conversation group is being offered at OVUCC on Tuesday mornings during Lent, facilitated by Karen Gatlin. A form of group spiritual companionship, these conversations will be based on a weekly theme from “Into the Deep: 2025 Lent Devotional” (from Pilgrim Press). These are not “teaching” sessions. We will check in with each other weekly, hear the devotion for that week, reflect and have conversations in small groups of 2 or 3, pray together as a group, and set our spiritual intention for the coming week. We’ll begin with the theme “Going Deep.”
An RSVP to Karen or to the Church Office is required so that the devotional materials may be prepared for each participant before our first meeting. (Rides can be arranged for those who need one.)
Karen Gatlin is a retired UCC pastor, a member of OVUCC, an Interfaith Spiritual Director/Companion and a lifelong journeyer with the Divine.